Many states are now requiring universal dyslexia screenings in elementary schools. This is a MIRACLE.

In recent years, a significant shift has taken place in elementary education as many states now mandate universal dyslexia screenings in schools. This revolutionary move marks a major milestone in the journey of dyslexia advocacy.


A few years ago, merely mentioning dyslexia was a taboo subject, but THANK GOODNESS! relentless efforts from advocates have paved the way for change. This breakthrough not only raises awareness but also promises early intervention for countless children, underlining the power of effective advocacy.

The Role of Visual Perceptual Tests in Occupational Therapy


Occupational Therapy (OT) evaluations have become instrumental in identifying and addressing dyslexia. Visual motor and visual perceptual tests, such as the VMI, MVPT-R, or TVPS, are now common components of these assessments. These tests evaluate various visual perception skills, including visual memory, sequencing, spatial relationships, and visual closure. 

It’s important to note that these tests assume that our children are seeing efficiently. Be sure to ask the parent if the child has had a recent vision exam. Otherwise, you may not get an accurate picture of the child’s skills.

The Alphabet Challenge

Learning the alphabet is an important task for kids, involving the mastery of 41 symbols. 41 because most capitals aren’t the same as the Lowercase (Aa), so we’re asking kids to learn two symbols for one sound for most letters (except for Cc, etc.).

Kindergarten and first-grade teachers are often concerned when a child is still reversing. But we have to remember that reversals are normal until about 7 years old!

Letter Reversals


Letter reversals do not necessarily indicate dyslexia. They may just be developmental, and they may be a visual perceptual weakness.

Regardless, there are some easy ways to combat reversals.

1. Utilize Letter Strips: Placing letter strips on children’s desks provides a constant visual reference.


2. Engage in Multi-sensory Techniques: Incorporating multi-sensory techniques, such as using a chalkboard, paint, shaving cream, or sand trays, can enhance letter formation skills.


LetterReflex – Overcoming Letter Reversals & Backwards Writing in Early Childhood Development & Dyslexic Children from Binary Labs

3. Teach Letters in Groups: Grouping letters by formation (r, n, m) aids in developing motor memory for letter shapes.


4. Explore Educational Apps: There are specific apps designed to target letter reversals, providing an interactive and engaging learning experience.


5. Create Visual Cues: For children struggling with specific letter reversals, creating a visual cue on their desk can serve as a helpful reminder.


The implementation of universal dyslexia screenings in elementary schools is indeed a miracle for the education system. It reflects the advancement of advocacy efforts and signifies a positive step towards early intervention. As we navigate the complexities of dyslexia, understanding the role of visual perceptual tests and employing practical strategies for letter reversals ensures that every child receives the support they need on their educational journey. Together, we can create an inclusive learning environment where every child can thrive.

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