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But I’ve got you covered!

Watch the 3 Keys to Overcome Inattention, Anxiety, & Sensory Disorders Replay!

This page is for your convenience to access all of the materials from the free webinar, 3 Keys to Overcome Inattention, Anxiety, & Sensory Disorders with guest, Sonia Story from, and Jaime Spencer, your host.


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Here’s What You Need to Know



  • Identify three long-term effects of lack of neurodevelopmental movement in infancy


  • Describe one solution to address inattention, anxiety, and sensory disorders

I’m still mooning over this free webinar, you guys.

The feedback we received has me blushing.


I LOVE to facilitate the learning of new techniques and strategies that just might be the magical tool that grown-ups are looking for.

But magical sounds bad.

Sonia Story’s webinar was completely evidence-based and research-heavy.

I was geeking out, to be honest. (Have I mentioned my old nickname in college?) Embarrassing, but I’ll spill soon.


Get All the Things Here

We had over 2,000 Parents, Teachers, Therapists and Caregivers register for the 3 Keys Webinar.

It makes my heart happy that there are so many good people out there that just want to help their kids.

The two Rhythmic Movements we learned last night can be used to address a TON of difficulties that our kids are having. 

    • Inattention
    • Anxiety
    • Sensory Disorders
    • ADHD
    • Autism
    • Motor delays
    • Bedwetting
    • Speech and language delays
    • Aggressive Behaviors/Explosive Anger
    • Meltdowns over clothes
    • Depression
    • And so much more!

The brilliant Sonia Story gave us a detailed background on the evidence and research that supports the impact that unintegrated reflexes can have on our kiddos.


I know that there are some cynics that don’t support working on primitive reflexes, and I get it. (See below for a free eBook with the evidence)

BUT…. when you look at the abundance of case studies and evidence-based research articles that Sonia goes through, there’s no denying it.

For those of you who attended live, THANK YOU.

From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate that you give your time, effort, and energy on a school night to learn how to help a special child in your life.

YOU are what make the world go round, my friend.

For those of you who couldn’t make it live, I got you!

You can watch the replay – I warn you it’s 1:30 minutes. We couldn’t stop talking- seriously.

You have to watch the replay to get the whole picture ▼

Watch the Replay

Here are the 3 videos we saw of Sonia working with kids

You missed it! Get on the Wait List and I’ll remind you when it’s back!

Slides & Bibliography



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You missed it! Get on the Wait List and I’ll remind you when it’s back!



Unlock the science behind rhythmic movement & primitive reflexes! Sonia Story’s Evidence eBook is a must-have for parents & educators (believers, skeptics, ALL!). Get yours & advocate for your children’s development!


Watch a course grad describe her application of this course

The videos below are feature Peggy McCahan, a school-based occupational therapy practitioner. Listen as she shares her experiences. It blew me away the first time I heard her speak about her experiences from the heart—especially the story about the changes in an entire group of kids from rhythmic movements for only 4 minutes a day!

Meet Peggy McCahan, OTA/L

Peggy is a Pediatric Occupational Therapy Assistant at Buckeye Elementary  School District, in Buckeye, Arizona. Peggy specializes in autism and is a graduate of The Brain and Sensory Foundations® course from Move Play Thrive.


Miss Jaime’s Student Spotlight: Courtney Ng

Miss Jaime’s Student Spotlight: Sonya Primo

Exciting UPDATE: Sonya’s son is so much improved from the date of this video! Sonia Story and Jaime talk about this in the webinar… see the replay above!

About Sonia Story

Sonia Story is an AOTA Approved Provider specializing in teaching neurodevelopmental and integrative movements; Developer and instructor of the Brain and Sensory Foundations® curriculum.

Teacher of neurodevelopmental movement programs for overcoming learning, behavioral, physical and emotional challenges. Teaching and inspiring all ages about enhancing effectiveness through movement.

Sonia is the author of “The Importance of Integrating Reflexes” infographic and of a white paper giving the relevance, rationale, and evidence basis for using innate neurodevelopmental movements in OT and PT practice. Since 2012, Sonia has been publishing case study reports—submitted by students of the Brain and Sensory Foundations, First level course.

Over 112 case study reports are posted on the website showcasing the outstanding results using these innate neurodevelopmental movements tools from the Brain and Sensory Foundations course.

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Watch the Spelling of Jaime!

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