I am very excited to share that I have decided to add a “book review” category to my blog because I totally love books, AND I think that everyone else should, too!  I will periodically be adding book reviews to my blog for either your kids/and or you.

They will pertain to special ed and childhood development in some way.   As a child, I read constantly until it got to the point where when I was in trouble I was not allowed to read.  Not only was I a bit of a “book worm”, I also ended up with glasses because I was the kid sneaking a flashlight under the covers.  What can I say?  Nancy Drew was that good.  Also, as the youngest of five and seven years after the rest of the kids, my parents were too tired to stop such an innocent habit.  The rest is history….

Not only was I a bit of a “book worm”, I also ended up with glasses because I was the kid sneaking a flashlight under the covers.  What can I say?

Nancy Drew was that good. 

Also, as the youngest of five and seven years after the rest of the kids, my parents were too tired to stop such an innocent habit.  The rest is history….

Books To Read To Your Sensory Kid

There are many challenges facing the parents and teachers of children with sensory processing issues.   One of them is finding the right way to talk to their kids/students about what they are feeling or why their body reacts differently than other kids.  Children with sensory processing issues often suffer from self-esteem problems because they feel alone.  These books really try to explain it from the “kids” point of view.

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#1  The Good Enoughs Get in Sync series 

 by Carol Stock Kranowitz

These are the first books that I’ve encountered that are geared toward older children ages 8 to 12 years old.  It could be helpful for younger children, too.  However, it may need to be read to them to have certain words or sections simplified.  I also think it would be helpful for those family members who”just don’t get it”…

By the same author as “The Out of Sync Child”, these books are about a family full of sensory issues. It features a sensory seeker, an avoider, and a dyspraxic. Mom and Dad also have sensory issues, as well as the dog.  In my research as a therapist, I’ve found that most books about sensory processing are geared toward preschool age children. It’s nice that the book is more “grown-up”, featuring chapters and identifiable characters.  It would be a great book for other family members to read to help increase awareness about how the child with sensory issues experiences different everyday situations.

The Goodenoughs Get In Sync by Carol Stock Kranowitz

A great sensory book for kids eight to twelve.

One thing I like about these books is that they explain the different kinds of sensory processing issues  (there are so many!) from each character’s viewpoint.  Although the author uses a lot of clinical terminology (sensory under-responsivity, proprioceptive sense, etc) which may be difficult for little kids to understand, it explains what they mean in simple language.  This will help older children to learn what their sensory issues are and how they impact their lives.

I also think that it would explain a lot to parents who have sensory issues themselves.  As they say,  apples don’t fall far from the tree… You have brown hair, your kid has brown hair, you hate the smell of oranges (sensory issue), so does your kid, etc…. I would suggest it for any family with a sensory kid!

Sensory Kids Want To Feel Like Everyone Else.

Children need to know that they are not alone in the way they feel.  I would also highly suggest it for therapists who work with children or teachers of children with sensory issues.  It’s a good resource to have in your “bag of tricks”.

#2  Arnie and his School Tools  by Jennifer Veenendall

I have a lot of kids with sensory diets, sensory issues, etc.  I have had a lot of parents ask me for good sensory books that they could read with their sensory kids about what is going on in their lives.  When I started researching it, I realized; there are a million potty training books, a ton of “I don’t like strangers”, or ” I don’t want to sleep” type books, etc.  But for the kids who really feel different from everyone else, there aren’t many to choose from.  SO… I came across this book and the reviews were so great that I ordered it for myself.  I like how it talks about specific things that might be provided to a kid like fidgets, crunchy snacks, heavy work jobs, etc.  It explains (like I have had to explain to lots of kids) that just because “Johnny” needs a special seat, that doesn’t mean we all need one.


I  have found some teachers hesitant to provide sensory kids with sensory tools because of what the rest of the class may think. This sensory book is the perfect way to explain it to them!    There is one sentence at the end about how “Mommy says I may not be an accountant like Daddy because he has to sit still all day”.  Any poor review of this book has to do with that sentence.  I think it’s silly- the author was just trying to say- the kid is energetic, he’ll probably just have a “movey” job when he grows up!  Maybe he’ll end up an OT. Regardless, I think it’s a great book and I’m happy to add it to my personal and professional library.

Arnie and his school tools… a great book about having a sensory diet at school.

  Arnie and His School Tools: Simple Sensory Solutions That Build Success

What are your favorite books that deal with sensory issues or sensory processing?  Please share!

sensory processing

Sensory Processing 101 is a vital resource for parents, therapists, and caregivers who work with children with Sensory Processing Difficulties.

~ Miss Jaime, O.T.