
Understanding Your Child’s Test Scores

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Understanding the annual review process for your child’s education just got easier! My comprehensive guide empowers parents and teachers with valuable insights into understanding standardized test scores, decoding the Individualized Education Program (IEP), and navigating the Committee on Special Education.


Understanding the annual review process for your child’s education can be challenging. This handout aims to empower parents and teachers with crucial information to make the process smoother and less stressful.

  1. Interpreting Test Scores: Learn to interpret your child’s standardized test scores. Understand that terms like “Below Average” may not necessarily indicate significant delays.
  2. Eligibility and IEP: Discover the steps involved in classifying a child for specialized instruction and developing an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
  3. Classification vs. Services: Clarify that a classification, such as Autism, doesn’t automatically determine the level of services a child will receive.
  4. Committee on Special Education: Explore the composition and purpose of the Committee on Special Education, which plays a crucial role in creating the IEP.
  5. Understanding Percentiles: Differentiate between percentiles and percentages in standardized test scores. Recognize that scores between the 16th and 84th percentiles fall within the average range.
  6. Why Services May Decrease: Acknowledge that services may be reduced if a child isn’t progressing. Understand the importance of data-driven decisions.
  7. Least Restrictive Environment & FAPE: Grasp the concepts of Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) and Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) that guide the district’s actions.
  8. Accepting Limitations: Acknowledge that some children may reach their highest level of progress in certain areas. Understand that lack of progress may lead to a reduction or discharge from services.
  9. Advocacy: Empower parents to advocate for their child. Encourage them to professionally and calmly present their concerns during the CSE meeting.
  10. Embracing Differences: Recognize that not every child excels academically, and that’s okay. Emphasize that everyone involved wants the child to succeed in their unique way.

The annual review is a collaborative effort to ensure your child’s success. While challenges may arise, understanding the process, advocating for your child, and embracing their individual strengths are essential components of this journey.



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