The Beery VMI is one of the most popular school-based OT assessment tools, but it has its pros and cons. Miss Jaime gives a quick overview of the most commonly used tool.

The Beery VMI (Visual-motor integration) is a quick and easy assessment tool that measures how kids can integrate their visual and motor abilities. Like many other OT assessments, it has children copy geometric forms arranged in order of increasing difficulty.  

Although the VMI-6 is one of the most commonly used tools included in an OT evaluation, it definitely has it’s pros and cons.  The VMI-6 is just one of the Visual Motor tools that I will be featuring in my Motor Monday series. 


It’s important to remember to check the student’s visual efficiency skills before testing visual perception. Visual efficiency includes visual scanning, focusing, convergence and divergence, saccades, and accommodation. If the eyes aren’t working properly, the visual perceptual and visual motor results will be inaccurate. This isn’t about the child needing glasses (visual acuity). To learn more, click here: Uncovering Hidden Vision Deficits in the School Setting.

There are many different school-based evaluations tools to choose from. It’s important to choose the tool that works for the individual student. 

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